1. (PDF) Experimental Characterization of Thermal Cavitation Effects on Space Rocket Axial Inducers

    experimental study on rotating cavitation of rocket propellant pump inducers

  2. (PDF) Cavitation Experiments on Turbopump Inducers and Hydrofoils at Alta/Centrospazio: Overview

    experimental study on rotating cavitation of rocket propellant pump inducers

  3. (PDF) Experimental cavitation investigation of the electromagnetic PbBi pump with rotating

    experimental study on rotating cavitation of rocket propellant pump inducers

  4. Cavitation

    experimental study on rotating cavitation of rocket propellant pump inducers

  5. Study on the pump cavitation characteristic through novel independent rotation of inducer and

    experimental study on rotating cavitation of rocket propellant pump inducers

  6. (PDF) Analysis of Acoustic Cavitation Surge in a Rocket Engine Turbopump

    experimental study on rotating cavitation of rocket propellant pump inducers