Sep 3, 2022 · Sample History Extended Essay Topics . As promised, here is a list of topic ideas for the IB extended essay in history. These are meant to be just ideas, a sort of springing board from which you can launch your own investigations into a topic that interests you. ... Dec 7, 2023 · 100+ IB extended essay topic ideas for your ease. One of the very important requirements of an IB diploma is the extended essay. This really helps bring up the total score. And one problem students face here is gathering ideas for their IB extended essay. Here is some guiding information that can help with extended essay topics. ... Mar 4, 2024 · Is your History EE stressing you out? Don't worry, the key is to choose an interesting topic and there is a great variety of historical events that you can investigate. We prepared a list with our propositions and examples of History extended essays that you can refer to in the writing process. History EE ideas ... High scoring IB History Extended Essay examples. See what past students did and make your History EE perfect by learning from examiner commented examples! ... 10 Steps to Writing an Extended Essay. Before we look at specific topics for your essay, let’s recap the 10-steps you’ll need to follow to complete your extended essay. 1. Define the Topic and Draft the Research Question. 2. Create a Timeline. 3. Identify and gather Sources. 4. Set Deadlines. 5. Plan the structure according to the total ... ... Nov 18, 2024 · However, the most notable part of this development frequently happens throughout the Extended Essay writing process. The practical application of historical theory helps students to take on the role of historians. This post provides advice and recommendations on selecting a topic and writing your IB History Extended Essay. ... Jan 5, 2024 · History IB Extended Essay Ideas. I want to allow students to construct a narrative that is both analytically robust and deeply reflective, demonstrating their ability to connect historical facts with the overarching patterns that define human societies. Below is the list of great historical IB EE topic ideas. 1. Military History ... Jan 20, 2023 · IB History Extended Essay Topics | 20 Ideas . It’s worth noting that these topics are just suggestions and that the best topic for an Extended Essay in history is one that you are passionate and knowledgeable about and one that allows you to demonstrate your critical thinking skills and research abilities. The topic should also be specific ... ... Mar 22, 2024 · Tips for Choosing History Extended Essay Topics. Drawing from years of experience guiding students through this process, I’ve observed that the difference between a good and an outstanding extended essay often lies in the initial choice of topic. Here are some insider tips to help you. 1. Align with Your Interests ... When it comes to choosing an IB History Extended Essay topic, the sky is the limit. IB History offers a wide range of topics that span from ancient history to the contemporary world and beyond. To choose the best topic for your essay, it’s important to brainstorm several ideas and then narrow them down until you find your final topic. ... ">

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IB History Extended Essay Topics: 20+ Ideas to Get You Started


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by  Antony W

September 3, 2022

history extended essay topics

Have you searched the web for the best History Extended Essay topics only to come out empty?

Or maybe you some topic ideas in mind but you’re not sure if you can explore the research issue within the scope of an Extended Essay ?  

You’ve come to the right place.

Writing an EE is quite involving. Combine this with class sessions and other assignments that require your attention, and you’re more than likely to find the work overwhelming.

Hire our Extended Essay Writers   today, and benefit from the flexibility of professional writing help on the web.

If all you want is to learn how to choose a topic because you have the time to write the essay yourself, continue reading this guide to learn more.

How to Choose A Good IB History Extended Essay Topic

History EE topic ideas

History falls into the third group of the six IB subject groups which covers Individuals and Societies, including humanities and social science courses.

Choosing is a big part of the IBDP coursework, although by now we assume that you have already settled on doing a history essay. 

You can have a lot of fun when choosing your subjects. However, unlike other topics, history extended essay topics must follow certain guidelines. 

What Makes a Good History Extended Essay Topic?

A good History Extended Essay topic should meet the following requirements:

History EE topic Guidelines

1. The Topic Should Focus on History Dating Back 10 Years or More

In IB, an issue that’s not older than 10 years is a current event and therefore unsuitable for the History Extended Essay . 

The topic you choose must focus on human’s past, going back far enough to be actual history.

To score high grades for topic selection, your idea for the EE should be at least 10 years older.

2. The Topic Should Be Relevant and Acceptable

You don’t have to choose your topic from the IB history subject. You’re free to choose any topic you want.

However, the topic you choose should be relevant and acceptable.

Your supervisor will review your proposed topic and determine whether you can analyze its historical significance to humanity.

According to IB, the topic must be “worth of study”.

3. Pick a Topic You Can Explore in 4,000 Words

The scope of your chose topic shouldn’t be too wide or too specific.

It should be right enough to allow an in-depth analysis without overshooting the maximum word count or being too shallow.

4. Your Topic Should Allow Critical Analysis and Commentary

Develop an open-ended research issue that allows you to develop an analytical approach rather than a descriptive or a narrative one.

Your research question should start with words like “to what extent” or “how significant”, not words such as “what” or “how”.

5. The Topic Should Be Disciplinary and Academic

Hinge the topic on one of the academic disciplines and treat it academically.

For example, if you choose to write about the Great Depression in the United States of America, you can approach it from an economic perspective.

If you write about the launch of steam technology and its impact on population growth, you may approach the topic from a sociological perspective.

To be clear, academic treatment means the topic allows you to explore primary and secondary sources in your research work, with the main focus being on primary sources because they add more credibility.

You cannot choose Sports or Music topics in this subject except in the case where you can approach them from a historical perspective. When in doubt, consult with your supervisor.

How to Choose a Good History IB Extended Essay

how to choose history EE topics

With the guidelines set out, it becomes easier to go through the process of selecting suitable topics.

1. Brainstorming

With such a wide range of possible topic ideas, you shouldn't have trouble with this part. You can literally choose any idea and give it a historical twist.

For example, if you are a techno buff, how about the influence of the steam engine in industry in Europe? If you love archaeology, there is no shortage of historical subjects.

All you have to do at this stage is to write down everything that comes to mind, no matter how unlikely it seems. You can get inspiration from your coursework, friends, popular media, or books you have read from the library.

We recommend that you think about topics you are thoroughly interested in - these will give you the motivation to push through the whole assignment.

2. Narrowing Down

Narrow down the preliminary list by first eliminating any unsuitable topics.

This includes any that are too complex, non-academic (fictional works, for example), and those that don’t seem particularly appealing to you. 

You can also weed out any that are not ‘worthy of study.’ Basically, any that don't meet the guidelines above should be removed at this point.

3. Selection

Now with a list of 3-5 remaining possibilities, you can afford to give each some serious thought. Ask your librarian about the wealth of literature available for each of the possible topics.

Gauge how common they are from the response. Ideally, you want to approach old topics with fresh ideas, or else choose completely new ones so that your essay will be unique and intriguing.

Remember that you can always have a plan B just in case things don’t work out with the first one.

4. Research

Conduct general research into your chosen topic. Online and library sources are the first stop for research.

The idea here is to know what you are dealing with, formulate your approach, understand the concepts, and perhaps identify any gaps. This stage will allow you to get to the most important one of all.

5. Formulate the Research Question

Formulating your research question is the ultimate in extended essay preparation.

This is what will guide your research, align your thoughts, and drive your inspiration.

Most IB scholars say that a good research question is 25% of the work, and we agree.

Sample History Extended Essay Topics 

As promised, here is a list of topic ideas for the IB extended essay in history.

These are meant to be just ideas, a sort of springing board from which you can launch your own investigations into a topic that interests you.

You will also have to formulate your research questions depending on your individual approach.

  • The Rwandan genocide.
  • The cold war.
  • Salem witch trials.
  • Pearl Harbour and its significance.
  • Explore the first/second Sino-Japanese wars.
  • The impact of dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Conflict Diamonds – you can explore their economic, ethnic, sociological, or even environmental impact.
  • The Rosetta stone and its historical impact.
  • The invasion of Nazi by Germany and the USSR, 1939.
  • The Crusades and their religious significance/political significance in Europe.
  • The rule of Mao in China.
  • The Six-Day-War of 1967, and why Israel won. (You can also explore its impact.
  •  The role of women in the 1st/2nd World War.
  • The place of women in the Victorian era.
  • The slave trade and its economic importance in the USA/Europe.
  • The fall of the USSR.
  • The Cuban missile crisis.
  • In light of the Coronavirus, explore the various epidemics in history.
  • The development of medicine in history.
  • The role of medicine in history.
  • The development of military technology during the American Civil War.
  • The development of military technology during the World Wars/Sino-Japanese Wars. For instance, explore the use of human torpedoes.
  • Land tenure in (some part of) Europe in (some era.) For example, explore the peasant and their land rights.
  • The efforts of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in post-apartheid South Africa.
  • The Ottoman Empire, it’s rise and fall, economic impact, etc.

To be clear, these topics are mainly ideas meant to inspire. You can easily focus them and craft a good research question for your purposes. Here is an example to show you how.

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

IB History Extended Essay Topics and Research Questions


Table of contents

  • Writing Metier

Are you gearing up to start writing your History Extended Essay but feeling a bit overwhelmed with where to start?

You’re in luck! We’ve put together an exciting array of IB History EE topics that span the rich tapestry of history, from the world wars to the nuances of cultural revolutions.

These aren’t just any History EE topics; they’re carefully selected to ignite your curiosity and fit snugly within the IB criteria.

So, please grab a cup of your favorite brew, and let’s explore these ideas together. And remember, if you need a bit more than just inspiration, we at Writing Metier are here to help you every step of the way! 

50+ History Extended Essay Topics

In this article, we’ve divided our selection of History Extended Essay topics into ten categories. It’s like having a library where each section is dedicated to a different era or theme in history, making it easier for you to find the topics that catch your eye. 

history extended essay topics

Whether you’re passionate about the Cold War, intrigued by the Renaissance, or curious about economic history, these categories collected by our History essay writers are set up to help you zero in on the area that sparks your interest. 

Think of it as a well-organized menu of historical feasts, ready for you to pick your favorite dish! 

1. World War I and II

We’re starting our exploration with World War I and II, where battles reshaped our planet. 

We’ll examine the causes behind the Great War, analyze strategic masterstrokes of the Second World War, and assess their lasting impact on society and politics. 

It’s a fascinating look at events that defined a century.

Causes and Consequences of World War I

  • Research Question:  How did rising nationalism contribute to the outbreak of World War I?
  • Research Question:  What were the long-term economic impacts of World War I on European countries?

Key Battles and Strategies of World War II

  • Research Question:  How did the Battle of Stalingrad turn the tide of World War II?
  • Research Question:  How did naval warfare strategies influence the outcome of battles in the Pacific during World War II?

Political and Social Impact of the World Wars

  • Research Question:  How did World War II influence the progression of the Civil Rights Movement in the US?
  • Research Question:  How did the political landscape of Europe change after World War I?

Moving from global conflicts to a war of shadows and ideologies, we enter the Cold War Era.

2. Cold War Era

This period was less about physical battles and more about espionage, strategic politics, and iconic leaders. We’ll explore the secret world of spies, the global chess game of this era, and the personalities who steered these events.

The Role of Espionage and Intelligence

  • Research Question:  How did espionage activities shape the diplomatic relations between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War?
  • Research Question:  How did intelligence operations contribute to the resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Influence of the Cold War on Global Politics

  • Research Question:  How did the Cold War affect political dynamics in the Middle East?
  • Research Question:  How did the Cold War contribute to the formation and policies of the European Union?

Key Figures and Leaders of the Cold War

  • Research Question:  How did Ronald Reagan’s policies contribute to the end of the Cold War?
  • Research Question:  How did Nikita Khrushchev’s leadership influence the course of the Cold War?

Now, let’s focus on Revolution and Change. We’re delving into the Russian Revolution’s seismic shifts, the Industrial Revolution’s world-changing innovations, and the unique narratives of Latin American revolutions.

3. Revolution and Change

These events didn’t just change nations; they rewrote the rules of society.

The Russian Revolution: Causes and Effects

  • Research Question:  What factors led to the success of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution?
  • Research Question:  How did World War I catalyze the Russian Revolution?

The Impact of the Industrial Revolution

  • Research Question:  How did the Industrial Revolution drive urbanization and social change in 19th century Britain?
  • Research Question:  What were the key technological innovations of the Industrial Revolution, and how did they transform societies?

Revolutions in Latin America: A Comparative Study

  • Research Question:  How do the causes and outcomes of the Mexican and Cuban revolutions compare and contrast?
  • Research Question:  What was Simon Bolivar’s impact on the revolutions in Latin America?

Next, we explore the era of Colonialism and Imperialism, a time of empires expanding and reshaping continents. We’ll investigate what drove the Scramble for Africa, the complexities of British rule in India, and how empires waned in the 20th century. 

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extended essay topic ideas history

4. Colonialism and Imperialism

It’s a compelling story of power, conquest, and resistance.

The Scramble for Africa: Causes and Impact

  • Research Question:  What were the primary motivations for European nations in the Scramble for Africa, and how did they justify their actions?
  • Research Question:  How did the Berlin Conference and the subsequent division of Africa impact the political landscape of the continent in the long term?

British Rule in India: Economic and Social Effects

  • Research Question:  How did the economic policies of the British Raj affect the social and economic structure of Indian society?
  • Research Question:  What was the significance of the Indian railway system in facilitating British colonial objectives and its impact on India?

The Decline of Empires in the 20th Century

  • Research Question:  How did the collapse of the Ottoman Empire contribute to the shaping of modern Middle Eastern borders and conflicts?
  • Research Question:  What were the key factors that led to the decline of the British Empire after World War II?

Shifting from political power plays to the power of ideas, we enter the world of Cultural and Intellectual History. 

5. Cultural and Intellectual History

We’ll explore the Renaissance’s bloom of creativity, the Enlightenment’s revolutionary ideas, and the 1960s’ cultural upheaval. It’s a celebration of the minds that dared to think differently.

The Renaissance: Artistic and Scientific Innovations

  • Research Question:  How did Leonardo da Vinci’s inventions and scientific studies exemplify the spirit of innovation during the Renaissance?
  • Research Question:  How did the invention of the printing press transform literature and the spread of ideas during the Renaissance?

The Enlightenment: Philosophers and Ideas

  • Research Question:  How did Voltaire’s writings and ideas contribute to the development of Enlightenment thought?
  • Research Question:  How did Enlightenment philosophies influence the development of modern democratic and political ideals?

The Cultural Impact of the 1960s

  • Research Question:  How did the counterculture movement of the 1960s influence the evolution of music during that era?
  • Research Question:  How did youth movements in the 1960s contribute to social and political change in the United States?

From the world of art and ideas, we turn to Economic History. Here, we’ll dissect the Great Depression’s global impact, trace the evolution of economic systems, and understand globalization’s role in reshaping economies. 

6. Economic History

It’s an insightful look at how economic forces shape our world.

The Great Depression: Causes and Global Effects

  • Research Question:  What were the underlying causes of the 1929 stock market crash, and how did it precipitate the Great Depression?
  • Research Question:  How did the Great Depression affect the economies of industrialized nations outside the United States?

The Evolution of Economic Systems in the 20th Century

  • Research Question:  How did the shift from mercantilism to free market capitalism shape economic policies in the 20th century?
  • Research Question:  What factors led to the rise and eventual decline of command economies in the 20th century?

The Impact of Globalization on World Economies

  • Research Question:  How has the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) impacted the economies of its member countries?
  • Research Question:  How have multinational corporations influenced the process of economic globalization and its impact on national economies?

Here you can also find a list of good Economics extended essay topics for you. Just so you know 😉

In Social History, we examine the movements that have sculpted our societal landscape. 

7. Social History

We’ll explore the fight for women’s rights, the journey of the Civil Rights Movement in the US, and the Victorian era’s social reforms. These movements are the pillars of our modern society.

Women’s Rights Movements Across History

  • Research Question:  How did the suffragette movement in the UK impact the fight for women’s rights and lead to societal change?
  • Research Question:  What was the contribution of women to the French Revolution, and how did it influence their rights?

The Civil Rights Movement in the United States

  • Research Question:  How did Martin Luther King Jr.’s leadership and strategies shape the course of the Civil Rights Movement?
  • Research Question:  How did media coverage affect the public perception and progress of the Civil Rights Movement?

Social Reforms of the Victorian Era

  • Research Question:  How did the Factory Acts reform labor conditions, and what was their social impact during the Victorian era?
  • Research Question:  How did Charles Dickens’ portrayal of social issues in his novels contribute to awareness and reform in Victorian England?

Next, we explore the experiences of Indigenous Peoples during colonial times. We’ll look at how European colonization impacted Native American societies, the resilience of Aboriginal communities in Australia, and the effects of colonial policies in South America. 

8. Indigenous Peoples and Colonial Histories

These stories are about endurance, identity, and cultural survival.

The Impact of European Colonization on Native American Societies

  • Research Question:  What were the immediate and long-term effects of the Spanish conquest on Aztec society and culture?
  • Research Question:  How did European colonization transform the social, political, and economic structures of Native American societies?

Aboriginal Histories and Resistance in Australia

  • Research Question:  What were the long-term effects of the Stolen Generations policy on Aboriginal communities in Australia?
  • Research Question:  How has the Aboriginal land rights movement shaped the legal and political landscape in Australia?

The Effects of Colonial Policies on Indigenous Cultures in South America

  • Research Question:  How did Spanish colonialism affect the social and cultural structures of indigenous societies in the Andean region?
  • Research Question:  What has been the lasting impact of Portuguese colonialism on indigenous communities in Brazil?

Now, let’s look at how technology changes history’s course. 

9. Technological Advancements and Historical Change

From the printing press sparking a knowledge revolution to the telegraph altering warfare, and the internet’s role in recent revolutions, we’re examining technology’s power to transform societies.

The Role of the Printing Press in Reformation Europe

  • Research Question:  How did the printing press facilitate the spread of Martin Luther’s ideas during the Reformation?
  • Research Question:  How did the invention of the printing press contribute to the intellectual and cultural developments of the Renaissance?

The Impact of the Telegraph on 19th Century Wars

  • Research Question:  How did the telegraph influence military strategies and communication during the American Civil War?
  • Research Question:  How did the use of the telegraph affect diplomatic communications and decision-making during the Crimean War?

The Influence of the Internet on Late 20th Century Revolutions

  • Research Question:  How did the internet and social media platforms influence the organization and spread of the Arab Spring movements?
  • Research Question:  How did the advent of digital communication technologies contribute to the political and social changes leading to the fall of the Soviet Union?

Finally, we arrive at the latest chapter in our history – Contemporary Global Issues and Conflicts post-1990. 

10. Contemporary Global Issues and Conflicts (Post-1990)

Here, we tackle the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the new face of terrorism post-9/11, and the far-reaching effects of the 2008 financial crisis. It’s a close look at the challenges shaping our current world.

The Historical Roots of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

  • Research Question:  How have the Oslo Accords shaped the subsequent developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
  • Research Question:  How have international interventions influenced the dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1990?

The Rise of Terrorism and Its Global Impact Post-9/11

  • Research Question:  How have global counterterrorism strategies evolved in response to the changing nature of terrorism since 9/11?
  • Research Question:  What changes have been implemented in global aviation security as a direct response to the 9/11 attacks?

The Social and Political Consequences of the 2008 Financial Crisis

  • Research Question:  How did the 2008 financial crisis influence economic and political policies within the European Union?
  • Research Question:  What changes in financial regulation have been implemented since the 2008 crisis to prevent similar future events?

The Syrian Civil War and Refugee Crisis

  • Research Question:  How have different countries responded to the Syrian refugee crisis, and what are the implications of these responses?
  • Research Question:  How has the Syrian Civil War affected political and social stability in the Middle East region?

The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict and Its Global Implications

  • Research Question:  What were the causes of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and how did the international community respond?
  • Research Question:  How has cyber warfare been utilized in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and what are its implications for modern warfare?

And that wraps up our extensive list of over 50 History IB Extended Essay topics, carefully selected across various intriguing categories. 

Tailored to meet the IB criteria and EE rubric, these topics are ideal for anyone taking on history as their extended essay subject. They offer a gateway to explore significant historical events and themes, ensuring a blend of academic rigor and engaging storytelling.

Select Your Topic Wisely

As you stand at the threshold of your IB History Extended Essay, remember, the path to a great paper doesn’t have to be walked alone. If you’re circling around topic ideas or looking for expert guidance in writing a standout essay, Writing Metier is just a message away. 

We’re here to offer support, whether it’s sparking your initial idea or crafting an essay that truly reflects your historical insight. 

Reach out to us, and let’s turn your history essay into a piece that stands out in both depth and clarity.

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Vasy kafidoff.

Vasyl Kafidoff is a co-founder and CEO at WritingMetier. He is interested in education and how modern technology makes it more accessible. He wants to bring awareness about new learning possibilities as an educational specialist. When Vasy is not working, he’s found behind a drum kit.

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To make everything super clear, here are 100 Extended Essay Topics for you to draw inspiration from! Use these as a springboard to  create your own research question !

Get Support from a Top Tutor Today

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10 Steps to Writing an Extended Essay

Before we look at specific topics for your essay, let’s recap the 10-steps you’ll need to follow to complete your extended essay.

1. Define the Topic and Draft the Research Question

2. Create a Timeline

3. Identify and gather Sources

4. Set Deadlines

5. Plan the structure according to the total word count

6. Evaluate

7. independent Research

8. Write the extended essay draft

10. Present

By following the steps above, you should be able to produce a logical and coherent rationale to follow when writing the extended essay for your IB diploma programme.

By starting with a solid research question, you’ll be able to put an extended essay of global significance together, from the research and writing process all the way through to your final submission with a favourable extended essay grade.

Below, we’re sharing 10 topics across 10 subjects to inspire your next IB extended essay.

1. How the change of habitat affects an X organism?

2. How does climate affect the growth of X plant?

3. Can photosynthesis take place without sunlight?

4. What is the effect of age and gender on the photoreceptor cells in the human retina?

5. How is climate change impacting the appearance of coral reefs?

6. An evaluation of how  antioxidants  work in our bodies?

7. Does hand sanitizer, hand soap or antibacterial wipes have the greatest ability to inhibit the growth of E. Coli?

8. To what extent do live cultures in yogurts/milk/other dairy products reduce the concentration of lactose present over the course of a 2 hour incubation period at x°C?

9. What is the relationship between  population density  between X and population size of X?

10. What is the relationship between indoleacetic acid, a growth hormone, and the growth of X (a crop)?

11. How does human influence impact an aquatic ecosystem?

12. How can one organize a pollution check along a X canal in X?

13. What is the effect of the increased ecological footprint in the Amazon?

14. What are the forest and woodland restoration in Siberia, Russia and which one is most effective?

15. How does human interference cause ecological imbalances in an X city/country/continent?

16. What is the impact of urban development on the  bee population  in X city?

17. What are the differences in the conversation efforts in Yosemite National Park (California, USA) and the Lake District National Park (UK)?

18. To what extent have healthcare policies in X country influenced their human population curve?

19. How have changes in environmental systems influenced the value system of X country?

20. How has X landfill site affected the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem?

21. What is the profitability of  airline companies ?

22. How does unemployment affect the market?

23. Why did X recession occur?

24. How did the financial Policy affect the economy in X?

25. How effective are government policies in reducing overconsumption of alcohol (specifically hard liquor)?

26. To what extent are public buses and subways substitute goods in a country?

27. How did the tax reform in country x affect its growth and development? (many countries to choose from)

28. To what extent was weak government policy responsible for the Latin American financial crisis of 1997?

29. How effective is the  Big Mac Index  in measuring purchasing power parity?

30. To what extent would the UK suffer from leaving the European Customs Union if Brexit happens?

31. Is there an association between viewing violence on television and the display of violent acts?

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37. Discuss how  social variables (poverty, parenting, educational environment) may the affect cognitive environment.

38. To what extent do mirror neurons play a role in empathy? (2014)

39. To what extent does Mindfulness help people cope with General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

40. To what extent is drug therapy effective in the treatment of bipolar disorder?

41. Does the British Parliamentary reforms act of 1832 deserve its title as the great reform act?

42. To what extent are there similarities in Hitler and Mussolini’s Rise to Power?

43. To what extent did Mao’s tackle the problems which he faced?

44. Was Tsar Alexander II of Russia reforms a success or failure?

45. To what extent was the bombing of Dresden in 1945 justifiable?

46. To what extent can Sweden be considered neutral during WWII?

47. The impact of structural economic weakness on the collapse of the Soviet Union.

48. How were women treated differently in 1920s and 1950s Great Britain?

49. Why did Israel win the  Six Day War  of 1967?

50. What role did economics play in the unification of Germany from 1834 to 1871?

English Literature

51. What are the Compare and Contrast Jane Austen Books?

52. How does Joseph Conrad’s portray Racism in A Heart of Darkness?

53. How does Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman critique today’s capitalist society? The American Dream?

54. To what extent does Chris McCandless in Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild escape familial influence?

55. What are the similarities and differences between J.K. Rowling’s characterization of Severus Snape in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

56. How does Yaa Gyasi use structure in her novel Homegoing to portray the evolution of time?

57. What is the impact of the social context on Holden Caufield and Huckleberry Finn?

58. How does Sylvia Path’s use of Inanimate objects in Bell Jar?

59. How is the empowerment of Feminine portrayed in the Lord of the Rings?

60. Compare the political rhetoric as used in the inaugural addresses of George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump.

61. The design, construction and calibration of an apparatus for measuring lipid concentration in milk.

62. What is the effect of a change in the optimal lift on the horizontal gliding distance of an aircraft?

63. How does the sugar concentration affect the refractive index of water?

64. How does temperature affect the viscosity of X juice/soda?

65. Is the relationship between temperature and conductivity and insulators and conductors?

66. What is the Oberth Effect?

67. What is the temperature dependence of work performed on an AA battery?

68. How can the rotational frequency of a fan driven by a flame measure distance?

69. Do wine bottles of different shapes behave as Helmholtz resonators?

70. How does the diameter of a wheel affect stability in different weather conditions?

71. What factors influence the location of industries in country/city X?

72. An investigation into the significance of preserving the quality of water in a continent/country/city?

73. An investigation into the degree to which City X can be considered a Sustainable City/Community.

74. To what extent is Biodiversity being managed successfully in city X?

75. To what extent does the education and employment of women affect Country x’s fertility rate?

76. To what extent do gender, educational attainment, and working parameters influence obesity risk?

77. To what extent has urban development affected human thermal comfort levels in Country/city x (a country/city that has developed in a rapid rate over the past decades)?

78. To what extent is the Company x corporate waste management program effective, demonstrating environmental sustainability?

79. To what extent is biodiversity being managed successfully at National Park X?

80. What types of urban design encourage high rates of vandalism in X neighbourhoods?

81. The kinetics of Enzymatic Reactions.

82. How do Iron Intake Diets differ in X country?

83. What are the different factors that affect the iodine values in cooking oils?

84. What is the effect of standing time and temperate on the acid content in X juice or soda?

85. Can caffeine in tea or coffee be reduced?

86. What is the effect of temperature on the souring of milk?

87. What are the sources of error in calorimetry?

88. Does brushing your teeth affect the pH in your mouth after eating?

89. How does changing the concentration of the reagents affect the formation and spacing between Liesehang rings in the reaction between X chloride and X when conducted in a test tube?

90. What effect does the coating of aspirin tablets have on the hydrolysis of aspirin?

Social and Cultural Anthropology

91. How clothing relates to the cultural anthropology of X culture.

92. The extent to which social media networks affect different societies.

93. The relationship between ritual, myths and faith in an X society.

94. The history of rituals in X culture.

95. How different marriage rituals inform the cultural anthropology of X culture.

96. Climate change and its impact on the evolution of different creatures on the planet.

97. Understanding the social and cultural anthropology of the supernatural in X culture.

98. An analysis of body modification in relation to social and cultural anthropology.

100. Chaste systems and social ranks in societies.

There are so many class subjects that can form the basis of your extended essay, including these popular six subjects:

– Information technology

– Computer science

– Health science

– World studies

– Visual arts

– Business management

Extended essays are a great way to improve your writing skills in academic writing. Essays of a high standard that demonstrate critical thinking and in depth analysis can be submitted to academic journals. These have the potential to reach the global society.

Start Writing Your Extended Essay Topic

We hope this gave you some great inspiration for the variation of topics available for your Extended Essay . The research question you select is what will carry you through the entire process, so be sure to choose wisely!

Remember, if you are looking for more help with your Extended Essay, make sure to check out our guide which will tell you exactly how to plan, structure, research and write your Extended Essay!

Grab Free Extended Essay Resources!

No matter the subject groups in your diploma program, we’re here to help all of our IB students. Whether you’re writing about social and cultural anthropology, business management, design technology, or scientific methods for your IB diploma, Lanterna has you covered.

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IB History Extended Essay Topics

ib dp history

As an IB educator and writer, I’ve seen the significant growth students experience in the IB DP History course . However, the most notable part of this development frequently happens throughout the Extended Essay writing process. The practical application of historical theory helps students to take on the role of historians. This post provides advice and recommendations on selecting a topic and writing your IB History Extended Essay.

What Is IB DP History Course?

The IB History course is a fascinating and multidimensional path through time that aims to engage students in the complexity of human history. In my perspective, the course’s strength is its comprehensive approach to comprehending the forces that have formed our world. It is more than merely knowing about the past. It is about understanding why these events happened, how they shaped the present, and how they may affect the future.

In addition, IB History encourages students to become historians. This involves learning skills valuable for historical research and other areas of life outside the classroom. Critical thinking is at the forefront of these skills, allowing students to analyze sources, weigh evidence, and draw informed conclusions about the past.

The Extended Essay, an essential part of the IB History course, shows the program’s emphasis on individual investigation and in-depth study. This task encourages students to conduct deep research on a historical topic that interests them. It’s a daunting task that requires students to apply the skills they’ve learned throughout the course: developing a research question, gathering and analyzing materials, and building a well-supported argument.

How to Choose a History Extended Essay Topic?

Finding a topic that resonates with you is crucial. Throughout the IB History course, there will undoubtedly have been moments that captured your imagination more than others. Was it the intrigue of Cold War diplomacy, the cultural revolutions of the 1960s, or perhaps the ancient civilizations of Egypt or Rome that fascinated you? Start there. Reflect on the lectures, readings, and discussions that sparked a desire to learn more.

However, passion alone isn’t enough. Your chosen topic must also align with the IB History curriculum and offer a rich field for investigation. Here are the key considerations:

  • Your topic should reflect the themes, periods, and areas covered in the IB History course.
  • Ensure there are ample primary and secondary sources available on your chosen topic. Reliable sources are essential for conducting thorough research.
  • Your topic should allow you to formulate a specific research question. Avoid overly broad issues that cannot be covered effectively within the word limit.
  • A good topic is well-defined and narrow enough to be manageable. Vague or overly broad issues can lead to superficial treatment of the subject matter.
  • Consider the feasibility of your topic. Can it be thoroughly researched and addressed within the constraints of the Extended Essay format?

Lastly, strive for a topic that offers a fresh perspective or researches less commonly discussed aspects of history. Originality can make your essay stand out and demonstrate your creativity and analytical skills.

extended essay topics history

IB Extended Essay Topics: History

Here are 30 topic ideas, along with their respective research questions, to inspire your project:

  • The Impact of the Cold War on Space Research . How did the Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union drive the space race, and what were its most significant outcomes?
  • Women’s Suffrage Movements in the Early 20th Century . To what extent did women’s suffrage movements in Britain and the United States share common strategies and ideologies, and how did they differ?
  • The Role of Propaganda in Nazi Germany . How did Nazi propaganda aim to create a unified national identity, and what methods were most effective?
  • Economic Consequences of the Treaty of Versailles . What were the long-term economic impacts of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany, and how did they contribute to the rise of National Socialism?
  • Decolonization and Independence Movements in Africa . How did the process of decolonization in Algeria compare with that in Kenya, and what factors contributed to the differences?
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Nuclear Standoff . What critical decisions did the leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union make during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and how did these decisions prevent a nuclear war?
  • The Cultural Revolution in China . What were the primary goals of the Cultural Revolution in China, and to what extent were they achieved?
  • Impact of the Silk Road on Cultural Exchange . How did the Silk Road facilitate cultural exchange between East and West, and what were its most significant impacts on the civilizations it connected?
  • The Fall of the Roman Republic . What were the causes of the fall of the Roman Republic, and how did the transition to empire affect Roman society?
  • The Vietnam War and Its Impact on American Society . How did the Vietnam War influence American public opinion on foreign policy and military engagement?
  • The Development of Atomic Energy and Its Global Implications . How did the development of atomic energy during and after World War II influence global politics and the onset of the nuclear age?
  • British Colonial Rule in India . What were British colonial rule’s economic, social, and political impacts on India, and how did they contribute to the Indian independence movement?
  • The Influence of the Renaissance on Modern Western Thought . How did the Renaissance influence modern Western thought in art, science, and philosophy?
  • The Role of Cryptography in World War II . How did the use of cryptography by Allied forces contribute to the outcome of World War II, specifically focusing on the Enigma machine?
  • The French Revolution and the Rise of Napoleon . How did the French Revolution pave the way for Napoleon’s rise to power, and what were the key reforms he implemented?
  • The Global Impact of the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 . How did the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 affect global populations differently, and what were its long-term impacts on public health policies?
  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and its Role in Sparking WWI . To what extent did the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand contribute to the outbreak of World War I, considering the complex web of alliances and tensions in Europe?
  • The Influence of Social Media on the Arab Spring . How did social media act as a catalyst for political and social change during the Arab Spring, and what were its limitations?
  • The Partition of India: Causes and Consequences . What were the primary causes of the Partition of India in 1947, and how have its consequences shaped the current political and social climates in India and Pakistan?
  • The Impact of the Gold Rush on California’s Development . How did the California Gold Rush 1849 impact the state’s economic development, demographic changes, and social structures?
  • The Salem Witch Trials: A Study of Fear and Social Paranoia . What factors contributed to the outbreak of the Salem witch trials, and what does this episode reveal about the social and psychological underpinnings of early American colonial society?
  • The Role of the Ottoman Empire in World War I . What was the strategic significance of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, and how did its participation affect the outcome of the war?
  • The Chornobyl Disaster: A Historical Analysis of its Causes and Effects . What caused the Chornobyl nuclear disaster, and what have been its long-term environmental and health effects?
  • The Development and Impact of the Transatlantic Slave Trade . How did the transatlantic slave trade develop, and how did it impact African societies and economies?
  • The Cultural and Political Impact of the Beatles . How did the Beatles influence cultural and political attitudes in the 1960s, particularly regarding youth culture and anti-war movements?
  • The Evolution of Espionage During the Cold War . How did espionage tactics evolve during the Cold War, and what impact did intelligence activities have on the relations between the Soviet Union and the United States?
  • The Rise and Fall of the Aztec Empire . What factors led to the Aztec Empire’s rapid rise and subsequent fall, and how did the Spanish conquest alter the course of Mexican history?
  • The Influence of the Enlightenment on the American and French Revolutions . To what extent did Enlightenment ideas influence the ideologies and outcomes of the American and French Revolutions?
  • The Berlin Airlift: A Turning Point in the Cold War . How did the Berlin Airlift signify a turning point in the Cold War, and what does it reveal about the powers’ strategies and priorities?
  • The Impact of Apartheid on South African Society . What were the social, economic, and political impacts of apartheid on South African society, and how are its effects still felt today?
  • The Economic Policies of Mao Zedong . How did Mao Zedong’s economic policies impact China’s rural population during the Great Leap Forward?
  • The Rise of Feminism in the 20th Century . What key factors propelled the second wave of feminism in the United States during the 1960s?
  • The Disintegration of Yugoslavia . What were the primary causes of the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, and what role did ethnic tensions play?
  • British Policies and the American Revolution . How did British economic and political policies in the colonies contribute to the outbreak of the American Revolution?
  • The Global Influence of the Portuguese Empire . How did Portuguese maritime findings impact global trade patterns in the 16th century?
  • The French Resistance during World War II . How effective was the French Resistance in thwarting Nazi operations during World War II?
  • The Impact of the Panama Canal on Global Trade . How did the construction of the Panama Canal in the early 20th century affect global trade and geopolitical strategies?
  • The Role of the Media in the Vietnam War . How did media coverage in the United States influence public opinion and policy decisions during the Vietnam War?
  • The Abolition of the Slave Trade in the British Empire . What economic and social factors led to the abolition of the slave trade in the British Empire in 1807?
  • The Influence of Nikola Tesla on Modern Electrical Engineering . How did Nikola Tesla’s inventions and theories contribute to the development of modern electrical engineering?
  • The Cultural Impact of the Beatles Beyond Music . Beyond their musical contributions, how did the Beatles influence 1960s culture globally regarding fashion, lifestyle, and politics?
  • The Effects of the Black Death on Medieval European Society . How did the Black Death alter the social and economic structures of medieval European societies?
  • The Role of Women in World War I . How did women’s roles in the workforce and military change during World War I, and what were the long-term effects on gender roles?
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall and European Unification . What were the immediate and long-term impacts of the fall of the Berlin Wall on European political and economic unification?
  • The Genocide in Rwanda: Causes and International Response . What were the leading causes of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, and how effective was the international community’s response?
  • The Economic Reforms of Atatürk in Turkey . How did Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s economic reforms transform Turkey in the early 20th century, and what long-term impacts did they have on Turkish society?
  • The Decolonization of the Caribbean . How did the process of decolonization unfold in the Caribbean, and what were the primary factors that influenced the different paths taken by these territories?
  • The Manhattan Project and its Consequences . What were the scientific, ethical, and political implications of the Manhattan Project on the international stage during and after World War II?
  • The Influence of the Spanish Inquisition on European Society . How did the Spanish Inquisition affect religious and cultural life in Spain, and what were its repercussions throughout Europe?
  • The Rise and Impact of the Zulu Kingdom . How did the rise of the Zulu Kingdom under Shaka Zulu influence the regional dynamics in Southern Africa?
  • The Witch Trials in Early Modern Europe . What factors contributed to the outbreak of witch trials in early modern Europe, and how did societal attitudes towards these trials change over time?
  • The Formation and Impact of NATO in the Cold War . What role did NATO play in the Cold War dynamics, and how did it influence the policies of both Western and Eastern bloc countries?
  • The Boxer Rebellion and Its Impact on Chinese Imperial Rule . How did the Boxer Rebellion influence the course of Chinese history and its relationships with Western powers at the turn of the 20th century?
  • The Social Effects of the Industrial Revolution in Britain . How did the Industrial Revolution transform social structures and day-to-day life in Britain during the 18th and 19th centuries?
  • The Impact of the Great Depression on American Foreign Policy . How did the Great Depression affect the United States’ foreign policy, particularly in terms of isolationism and interventionism?

It is also a good idea to consult with your teacher or advisor to refine your choices. Seek feedback from peers or mentors who can provide fresh perspectives on your work.

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IB History Extended Essay Topics

History Extended Essay Topic Ideas

As an IB tutor with a deep-seated respect for the discipline of history, I am eager to present a selection of History Extended Essay topics that span the tapestry of time and the mosaic of human experience. This assortment is crafted to encompass a wide range of historical epochs, regions, and themes, inviting students to engage with events and narratives that have shaped our world.

In my mentorship, I’ve recognized the profound impact of a strategically chosen topic—it serves not only as an academic exploration but as a window into the complexities and nuances of historical contexts.

History IB Extended Essay Ideas

I want to allow students to construct a narrative that is both analytically robust and deeply reflective, demonstrating their ability to connect historical facts with the overarching patterns that define human societies. Below is the list of great historical IB EE topic ideas.

1. Military History

  • The Strategies of the Allies in World War II : How did the strategies of the Allied forces contribute to their victory in World War II?
  • The Impact of Technology in World War I : How did technological advancements shape the course of World War I?
  • The Vietnam War and Guerrilla Warfare : How effective was guerrilla warfare in the Vietnam War?
  • The Role of Naval Power in the Cold War : How did naval power influence the dynamics of the Cold War?
  • The Spanish Civil War and International Involvement : How did international involvement affect the outcome of the Spanish Civil War?
  • The Successes and Failures of the League of Nations in Preventing Conflict : How effective was the League of Nations in its peacekeeping efforts?
  • The Use of Propaganda in Nazi Germany : How did propaganda contribute to Nazi military successes in the early years of World War II?
  • The Battle of Stalingrad and its Significance in World War II : How did the Battle of Stalingrad turn the tide of World War II?
  • The American Civil War and Industrial Warfare : How did industrialization influence the American Civil War?
  • The Role of Intelligence in the Cuban Missile Crisis : How did intelligence operations impact the outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

2. Political History

  • The Rise of Fascism in Europe : What factors led to the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany?
  • The Impact of Gorbachev’s Policies on the Soviet Union : How did Gorbachev’s policies of Glasnost and Perestroika contribute to the fall of the Soviet Union?
  • The French Revolution and the Rise of Napoleon : How did the French Revolution lead to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte?
  • The Formation of the United Nations : What were the key factors that led to the formation of the United Nations?
  • The Chinese Cultural Revolution : What were the causes and consequences of the Chinese Cultural Revolution?
  • The Decolonization of Africa : How did African countries achieve independence from colonial powers?
  • The Political Impact of the Panama Canal : How has the Panama Canal influenced global politics?
  • The Iranian Revolution of 1979 : What were the causes and effects of the Iranian Revolution?
  • The Role of Women in Political Movements : How have women influenced political movements in the 20th century?
  • The Apartheid Regime in South Africa : What were the key factors that led to the end of apartheid in South Africa?

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3. economic history.

  • The Great Depression and its Global Impact : How did the Great Depression affect economies worldwide?
  • The Economic Factors Leading to the American Revolution : What economic factors contributed to the American Revolution?
  • The Marshall Plan and European Recovery Post-World War II : How effective was the Marshall Plan in rebuilding European economies?
  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society : How did the Industrial Revolution transform societies?
  • The Economic Consequences of Colonialism in Africa : What were the long-term economic impacts of colonialism in Africa?
  • The Role of Trade in the Roman Empire : How did trade contribute to the prosperity of the Roman Empire?
  • The Silk Road and its Impact on Trade : How did the Silk Road influence economic relationships between Asia and Europe?
  • The Economic Policies of Mao Zedong in China : How did Mao Zedong’s economic policies affect China’s development?
  • The Oil Crisis of the 1970s : What were the global economic consequences of the 1970s oil crisis?
  • The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Economy : What led to the economic collapse of the Soviet Union?

4. Social and Cultural History

  • The Harlem Renaissance and African American Culture : How did the Harlem Renaissance contribute to the development of African American culture?
  • The Impact of the Printing Press on European Society : How did the invention of the printing press change European society?
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement in the 20th Century : How did the women’s suffrage movement evolve across different countries?
  • The Social Effects of the Black Death in Europe : How did the Black Death transform European society?
  • The Cultural Significance of the Renaissance : How did the Renaissance influence European culture and thought?
  • The Role of Religion in Medieval Europe : How did religion shape society in Medieval Europe?
  • The Counterculture Movement of the 1960s : What were the key characteristics and impacts of the counterculture movement?
  • The Social Impact of the Internet : How has the internet revolutionized social interactions and culture?
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the United States : What were the key factors that led to the success of the Civil Rights Movement?
  • The Influence of Jazz on 20th Century Culture : How did jazz music influence culture in the 20th century?

5. Historiography and Methodology

  • The Use of Primary Sources in Understanding the Holocaust : How do primary sources provide insight into the Holocaust?
  • The Bias in Historical Narratives of Colonialism : How do historical narratives differ in portraying colonialism?
  • The Reliability of Oral History in Documenting Events : How reliable is oral history in documenting the Civil Rights Movement?
  • The Interpretation of Archaeological Evidence in Ancient Civilizations : How do interpretations of archaeological evidence impact our understanding of ancient civilizations?
  • The Role of Revisionist History : How has revisionist history changed our understanding of a specific event?
  • The Use of Propaganda in Historical Narratives : How has propaganda influenced historical narratives in wartime?
  • The Challenges of Writing Postcolonial History : What are the challenges historians face when writing postcolonial history?
  • The Impact of Gender on Historical Interpretation : How does gender influence the interpretation of historical events?
  • The Use of Film as a Historical Source : How effective is film as a source for understanding historical events?
  • The Evolution of Historical Interpretation over Time : How has the interpretation of the French Revolution evolved over time?

Choose History IB EE Topic Wisely

As we conclude this overview of History Extended Essay topics, it is my hope that these suggestions have kindled a flame of historical inquiry and a desire to delve into the narratives of the past. The task of creating a History Extended Essay is a challenging yet rewarding fusion of rigorous research, critical analysis, and a coherent synthesis of evidence and perspectives. As you refine your topic and engage deeply with your research, view this as your platform to contribute a distinctive chapter to the annals of historical scholarship.

Your extended essay is an opportunity to showcase your commitment to uncovering truths, your skill in dissecting complex historical narratives, and your ability to present a compelling story that offers insights into the human journey. Let your work not only meet academic criteria but also stand as a testament to your passion for understanding the forces that have shaped our collective past.

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  • Extended Essay Topics

IB History Extended Essay Topics

Luke MacQuoid

  • January 20, 2023

Table of Contents

The study of history is essential in understanding the past, present, and future of human society. It helps us to understand the origins of our present-day beliefs, values, and institutions and provides a context for understanding current events.

The Extended Essay in history is an opportunity for students to conduct in-depth research on a topic of their choice and to demonstrate their understanding of the research methodologies and critical thinking skills required in the study of history.

IB History Extended Essay Topics | 20 Ideas 

It’s worth noting that these topics are just suggestions and that the best topic for an Extended Essay in history is one that you are passionate and knowledgeable about and one that allows you to demonstrate your critical thinking skills and research abilities. The topic should also be specific and focused enough to be covered within the word count limit of the essay.

  • The causes and consequences of the American Revolution
  • An analysis of the impact of the Industrial Revolution on European society
  • The role of women in the French Revolution
  • The impact of colonialism on the economic and social development of Africa
  • The role of propaganda in Nazi Germany
  • The reasons behind the collapse of the Soviet Union
  • The role of religion in the English Civil War
  • The impact of the Renaissance on art and culture
  • The causes and consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis
  • The impact of the Scientific Revolution on the development of the modern world
  • The role of diplomacy in the lead up to World War I
  • The impact of the Cold War on global politics
  • The role of the media in shaping public opinion during the Vietnam War
  • The economic and social effects of the Black Death in medieval Europe
  • The rise of fascism in Italy: causes and consequences
  • The impact of the Berlin Wall on East and West Germany
  • The role of the civil rights movement in the United States
  • The causes and consequences of the Cuban Revolution
  • The role of religion in the Spanish Inquisition

The 20 topics I provided for Extended Essay in history are broad and varied, covering different historical periods , locations, and themes.

extended essay topic ideas history

Need help with your History extended essay?

From research and analysis to structuring and editing, our skilled mentors will be by your side, helping you craft an exceptional extended essay that not only meets the stringent IB criteria but also reflects your passion for History studies.

Students can use these topics as inspiration for their own research and adapt them to suit their interests and abilities. 

These topics can be used in the following ways:

  • As a starting point: Students can use these topics as a starting point for their research and develop their ideas further. For example, a student interested in the American Revolution can use this topic as a starting point and focus on a specific aspect, such as the role of women or the impact on indigenous peoples. 
  • As a guide: Students can use these topics as a guide to understand the types of questions that can be asked in an Extended Essay in history. For example, a student interested in the role of religion in the English Civil War can use this topic as a guide to understand the types of questions that can be asked about the role of religion in other historical events.
  • As a source of primary and secondary sources: Students can use these topics to identify primary and secondary sources to support their research. For example, a student interested in the impact of colonialism in Africa can use this topic to identify books, articles, and online resources that provide information on this topic.
  • As a way to explore different historical perspectives: Students can use these topics to explore different historical perspectives and to understand how different historians have approached the same topic. For example, a student interested in the causes and consequences of the Cold War can use this topic to understand how different historians have approached this topic and to compare and contrast their arguments. 
  • To develop critical thinking and research skills: The Extended Essay in history allows students to develop critical thinking and research skills. By choosing one of the topics provided, students can develop their research and analytical skills, such as finding and evaluating sources, making an argument, and drawing a conclusion on evidence.

It’s important to note that while these topics provide a starting point, students should always consult with their supervisor and make sure that their topic is specific and focused enough to be covered within the word count limit of the essay.

Ready to choose History EE topic?

In conclusion, the study of history is a vital tool in understanding the past, present, and future of human society. The Extended Essay in history is an excellent opportunity for students to conduct in-depth research on a topic of their choice and to demonstrate their understanding of the research methodologies and critical thinking skills required in the study of history.

The 20 topics provided are broad and varied, covering different historical periods, locations, and themes, and can be used as inspiration for students’ own research. They can be used as a starting point, a guide, a source of primary and secondary sources, a way to explore different historical perspectives and to develop critical thinking and research skills.

Writing an extended essay can be a challenging task, and it is essential for students to have a clear understanding of the research methodologies, critical thinking skills, and the structure of the essay.

If students are struggling with their essay, they can seek help from a writing service that specializes in providing assistance for Extended Essays. These services can provide guidance and support throughout the research and writing process, helping students to produce a well-written and well-researched essay that meets the required standards.

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Luke MacQuoid has extensive experience teaching English as a foreign language in Japan, having worked with students of all ages for over 12 years. Currently, he is teaching at the tertiary level. Luke holds a BA from the University of Sussex and an MA in TESOL from Lancaster University, both located in England. As well to his work as an IB Examiner and Master Tutor, Luke also enjoys sharing his experiences and insights with others through writing articles for various websites, including blog

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extended essay topics history

IB Extended Essay Topics: History

Choosing the perfect topic for a History extended essay may initially seem daunting. However, with guidance and a little insider knowledge, it can actually be fascinating. As an experienced IB writer and tutor, I’m here to share my insights and give you some ideas for extended essay topics in History.

4. Be Mindful of Overdone Topics

What is the ib history extended essay.

This extended essay is an integral component of the Diploma Programme, offering students the chance to undertake independent, in-depth research on a topic of their choice within the IB History course . Drawing on my years of experience writing within the IB framework and mentoring students through their extended essays, I’ve come to appreciate the unique opportunity it provides for personal growth.

The extended essay in History investigates a specific historical question, event, or theme that interests the student. According to the general IB criteria, the essay encourages students to develop skills in critical thinking, deep step-by-step research , and academic writing. From my perspective, what sets this extended essay apart is how it challenges students to act as historians: asking questions, analyzing sources, and developing nuanced interpretations. Now, let’s highlight a few essential points:

  • The primary objective of the IB History extended essay is to enable students to research a historical topic in great detail, demonstrating their ability to formulate a focused research question, gather and evaluate evidence, and construct a coherent argument.
  • The essay is expected to be rigorous, where students apply analytical skills to dissect historical narratives, argue a thesis, and contribute to historical understanding.
  • The research requires a careful balance between primary and secondary sources, offering insights into the historical period or events.

Having witnessed many students overcome the IB History extended essay challenges, I’ve identified a few common pitfalls: choosing a topic that is too broad or narrow and underestimating the importance of a well-structured argument. In my opinion, avoiding these pitfalls begins with thorough planning and ongoing reflection throughout the research and writing process.

extended essay topics history

IB History Extended Essay Topics and Research Questions

Based on my extensive experience mentoring students through the IB DP, I’ve found that the right topic can make all the difference. Here are some ideas and IB research questions to inspire and challenge History students:

  • The Impact of the Cold War on Global Alliances . How did the Cold War influence the formation and dissolution of alliances in the second half of the 20th century?
  • Decolonization in Africa After World War II. What were the primary factors driving the decolonization process in Africa after World War II?
  • The Role of Women in the French Revolution . How did the French Revolution alter the status and perceptions of women in French society?
  • Economic Policies of the Ming Dynasty . What were the economic policies of the Ming Dynasty, and how did they contribute to its stability and prosperity?
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Turning Point in the Cold War . To what extent did the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 alter the course of the Cold War?
  • The Influence of the Silk Road on the Spread of Ideas . How did the Silk Road facilitate the exchange of ideas and cultural practices between East and West?
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall: Causes and Consequences . What were the immediate causes of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and how did its collapse impact Germany and Europe?
  • The Rise and Fall of the Aztec Empire . What factors led to the rapid rise and subsequent fall of the Aztec Empire?
  • The British Raj in India: An Analysis of Economic Impact . How did British colonial rule alter India’s economic landscape?
  • The Influence of Propaganda in Nazi Germany . How did Nazi propaganda influence the German population during the 1930s and throughout World War II?
  • The Genocide in Rwanda: An Analysis of International Response . What was the international community’s response to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, and how effective was it?
  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Urbanization . How did the Industrial Revolution contribute to urbanization in 19th-century England?
  • The Role of Cryptography in World War II . To what extent did advances in cryptography influence the outcome of World War II?
  • The Treaty of Versailles: A Prelude to World War II . How did the Treaty of Versailles contribute to the conditions leading to World War II?
  • The Cultural Revolution in China: Goals and Outcomes . What were the stated goals of the Cultural Revolution in China, and to what extent were they achieved?
  • The Impact of the Spanish Influenza on Post-World War I Society . How did the Spanish Influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 affect societal changes in post-World War I Europe?
  • Apartheid in South Africa: Origins and Outcomes . What were the origins of apartheid in South Africa, and what were its long-term effects on the nation’s social and economic fabric?
  • The Role of the Samurai in Japanese Society . How did the role and perception of samurai change in Japanese society from the Kamakura to the Edo period?
  • The Manhattan Project: Scientific Breakthroughs and Ethical Dilemmas . What were the Manhattan Project’s scientific breakthroughs, and what ethical dilemmas did they present?
  • The Renaissance in Italy: A New Dawn of Cultural Awakening . How did the Italian Renaissance catalyze a cultural awakening across Europe?
  • The Impact of Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire on Eurasia . To what extent did Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire’s conquests influence the political and cultural landscape of Eurasia?
  • The Crusades: A Clash of Faiths and Cultures . How did the Crusades influence the cultural and religious dynamics between Christian and Muslim societies?
  • The Haitian Revolution: Implications for Slavery and Colonialism . What were the implications of the Haitian Revolution for the institution of slavery and the system of colonialism in the Americas?
  • The Formation of NATO and its Role in the Cold War . How did the formation of NATO shape the political and military landscape of the Cold War era?
  • The Role of Propaganda in the American Revolution . How did propaganda influence public opinion and support for the American Revolution?
  • The Great Leap Forward in China: Intentions and Consequences . What were the intentions behind the Great Leap Forward in China, and what were its consequences for Chinese society and economy?
  • The Salem Witch Trials: Socio-Economic Causes and Effects . What socioeconomic factors contributed to the Salem Witch Trials, and what were their long-term effects on the community?
  • The Impact of the Gold Rush on California’s Development . How did the California Gold Rush affect California’s economic, social, and demographic development?
  • British Naval Supremacy in the 18th Century . What factors contributed to the rise of British naval supremacy in the 18th century, and how did it influence global trade patterns?
  • The Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire: Causes and Consequences . What were the primary causes of the Ottoman Empire’s decline and eventual dissolution, and what were the consequences for the Middle East?
  • The Environmental Impact of the Industrial Revolution . How did the Industrial Revolution alter the natural landscape and contribute to environmental changes in industrialized countries?
  • The Influence of the Enlightenment on Democratic Ideals . To what extent did Enlightenment philosophies influence the development of democratic ideals in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?
  • The Partition of India: Causes and Effects on Communal Relations . What were the primary causes of the Partition of India in 1947, and how did it affect Hindu-Muslim relations in the subcontinent?
  • The Role of Women in World War II’s Workforce . How did the involvement of women in the workforce during World War II impact gender roles and societal expectations in the post-war period?
  • The Impact of Technological Advancements on 20th Century Warfare . How have technological advancements changed the nature of warfare in the 20th century, particularly concerning World Wars I and II?
  • Diplomatic Strategies of the Tudor Monarchs . How did the diplomatic strategies of the Tudor monarchs shape European politics?
  • Economic Impacts of the Transatlantic Slave Trade . What were the long-term economic impacts of the Transatlantic Slave Trade on the West African economies?
  • The Rise of Totalitarianism in 20th Century Europe . What factors contributed to the rise of totalitarian regimes in Europe during the early 20th century?
  • Native American Societies Before European Contact . How did Native American societies in North America structure their political and social systems before European contact?
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union: Internal and External Factors . Which were more significant in causing the fall of the Soviet Union: internal economic issues or external political pressures?
  • The Effect of the Printing Press on European Religious Movements . How did the invention of the printing press influence the spread of religious reform movements across Europe?
  • The Role of Women in the Resistance Movements During WWII . What role did women play in resistance movements across Europe during World War II?
  • The Formation of Modern Nation-States in the Middle East . How did the Sykes-Picot Agreement influence the formation of modern nation-states in the Middle East?
  • Social Reforms of the Meiji Restoration . What were the key social reforms of the Meiji Restoration, and how did they transform Japanese society?
  • The Cultural Impact of the British Empire on Its Colonies . What were the primary cultural impacts of the British Empire on its colonies during the 19th and early 20th centuries?
  • Impact of Colonial Rule on Southeast Asia’s Economic Development . How did colonial rule impact the economic development of Southeast Asia from the 19th to the early 20th century?
  • The Role of Secret Societies in Revolutionary Movements . What role did secret societies play in promoting revolutionary movements throughout history?
  • Consequences of the Treaty of Versailles on Weimar Germany . How did the Treaty of Versailles contribute to the political and economic instability in Weimar Germany?
  • Influence of the Spice Trade on European Colonialism . How did the spice trade influence the patterns and practices of European colonialism in the 15th and 16th centuries?
  • Transformation of Warfare During the Napoleonic Wars . How did warfare evolve during the Napoleonic Wars, and what were the long-term effects on European military strategies?
  • The Role of Intelligence in the Cold War . How did intelligence operations impact the conduct and outcome of the Cold War?
  • Architectural Renaissance: The Influence of Classical Antiquity . How did the revival of classical antiquity influence architectural developments during the Renaissance?
  • Social Impacts of the Industrial Revolution in Britain . What were the key social impacts of the Industrial Revolution on British society in the 19th century?
  • Decolonization and National Identity in the Caribbean . How did decolonization shape national identity in Caribbean countries during the 20th century?
  • Economic Consequences of the Black Death in Medieval Europe . What were the economic consequences of the Black Death in Europe, and how did it alter the economic landscape of the continent?
  • Women’s Suffrage Movements in the Early 20th Century . How did women’s suffrage movements in different countries influence each other, and what were their outcomes?
  • The Impact of the Cuban Revolution on Latin American Politics . How did the Cuban Revolution influence political ideologies and movements in Latin America?
  • Technological Innovations and Their Impact on the First World War . What role did technological innovations play in shaping the tactics and outcomes of the First World War?
  • Rise and Fall of the Zulu Kingdom . What were the key factors contributing to the rise and subsequent fall of the Zulu Kingdom in the 19th century?
  • The Influence of Religion on Early Modern European Diplomacy . How did religious considerations influence diplomacy in Early Modern Europe?

You can use these topics or refine them as you see fit. It is also good to consult your teacher or supervisor when choosing the best theme for in-depth research.

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Tips for Choosing History Extended Essay Topics

Drawing from years of experience guiding students through this process, I’ve observed that the difference between a good and an outstanding extended essay often lies in the initial choice of topic. Here are some insider tips to help you.

1. Align with Your Interests

It might seem obvious, but it’s easy to be swayed by what seems popular or what you think might impress. Remember, you’ll spend much time researching and writing about this topic. From my experience, students who choose passionate topics tend to enjoy the research process more.

2. Availability of Sources

Conduct preliminary research before settling on a topic to ensure enough primary and secondary sources are accessible. A lack of sources can severely limit your ability to develop a comprehensive and nuanced argument. From my experience, a well-chosen topic is supported by ample evidence that you can analyze and interpret.

3. Originality and Specificity

Try to find a unique angle or a specific aspect of a broader topic. It doesn’t mean you need to choose something obscure, but focus on narrowing down a broad topic to something more manageable and original. Originality catches the eye, and specificity helps maintain a clear focus throughout your essay.

While it’s okay to choose a popular topic, be cautious of subjects that have been extensively covered. If you opt for a well-trodden path, bring a fresh perspective or focus on an unstudied aspect. From my experience, stand-out essays offer new insights into familiar topics.

This guide on History IA topics and research questions offers valuable insights and practical tips for students looking to excel in their work .

Writing the IB History extended essay requires patience and persistence. According to general IB criteria, this paper should demonstrate clarity of thought, depth of insight, and an understanding of historical context. In my experience, successful essays demonstrate a mastery of the topic and an ability to engage with historical debates. So choose your topic wisely, and remember that you can always order custom-written essays from our IB experts. ✍️

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Liliana Duman

Liliana Duman has a strong background in teaching English language, having graduated from Hacettepe University’s English Language Teaching Department in 2008. With over two decades of experience in the field, she has a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share with her students. In addition to her bachelor’s degree, Liliana holds a master’s in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language and has previously worked at Başkent and Hacettepe University in Ankara. Currently, she is an EFL instructor at Sakarya University, teaching various skills, including methodology, speaking, reading, writing, and listening. In addition to her teaching, Liliana has also contributed to material development and testing efforts. As well as her work as a teacher, Liliana is an experienced private online ToK essay tutor, providing personal help for both IB ToK students and teachers in all aspects of IB ToK essays and exhibitions. She is dedicated to helping her students succeed and achieve their full potential. In her spare time, Liliana also writes articles for, sharing her expertise and insights on ToK with a wider audience.

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IB History Extended Essay Topics

The Extended Essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, culminating in a 4,000-word paper. It’s an important component of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and allows students to engage in an in-depth study of a topic that interests them. Aspiring IB History students must complete their EE to gain the full diploma.

When working on an EE, students need to follow very specific guidelines and formatting expectations. The essay should look professional, be free of errors, have a clear layout, and have a unique and interesting thesis statement. For IB History specifically, topics should relate to some historical event or time period.

Most EE topics require a large amount of research. Students are expected to use reliable and high-quality sources for information. Additionally, topics should not be too broad but also not too narrow—there needs to be enough material available to create a comprehensive essay.

It’s also important to keep in mind the weight of the essay in a student’s final grade. An EE typically includes a title page, table of contents, introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, list of works cited, and any additional appendices. Getting started can seem daunting, but with clear goals and guidance, you can break the process into manageable parts.

IB History Extended Essay Topics

  • The Impact of World War I on the Russian Revolution: A Comparative Analysis of Pre- and Post-War Societal Changes
  • The Rise and Fall of Apartheid in South Africa: Analyzing the Political and Economic Factors
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: Assessing the Role of Cold War Diplomacy in Averting Nuclear War
  • The Spanish Inquisition: Exploring the Socio-Cultural and Religious Dynamics of Persecution
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall: The Interplay of Political and Cultural Factors in East and West Germany
  • The Chinese Cultural Revolution: Assessing the Legacy of Mao Zedong’s Policies on Modern China
  • The Influence of Ancient Greek Democracy on the Formation of the United States Constitution
  • The Role of Women in the French Revolution: Analyzing the Contributions and Limitations of Female Activism
  • The Armenian Genocide: Investigating the Origins, Perpetrators, and International Response
  • The Impact of the Printing Press on the Protestant Reformation: A Study of the Spread of Ideas in 16th Century Europe
  • The League of Nations: Evaluating the Successes and Failures in Preserving Global Peace and Security
  • The Indian Independence Movement: A Comparative Study of the Strategies Employed by Mahatma Gandhi and Subhash Chandra Bose
  • The Influence of the Enlightenment on the American and French Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Iranian Revolution of 1979: Examining the Role of Religion and Nationalism in Shaping Political Change
  • The Rwandan Genocide: Analyzing the International Community’s Response and its Implications for Future Conflict Resolution
  • The Consequences of the Treaty of Versailles on Post-World War I European Stability
  • The Great Depression: Investigating the Effects of Economic Policies on the Global Recovery
  • The Role of Propaganda in Shaping Public Opinion During World War II: A Comparative Study of Nazi Germany and Allied Nations
  • The Impact of European Colonialism on the Formation of Modern African Nation-States
  • The Vietnam War: Analyzing the Domino Theory and its Influence on American Foreign Policy

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Brainstorming ib history topics.

When it comes to choosing an IB History Extended Essay topic, the sky is the limit. IB History offers a wide range of topics that span from ancient history to the contemporary world and beyond. To choose the best topic for your essay, it’s important to brainstorm several ideas and then narrow them down until you find your final topic. Here are some tips for brainstorming IB History topics for your essay.

1. Pick an Interesting Area

When selecting an area for your IB History topic, pick something that interests you. You will be researching this subject in depth, so it helps to pick something that catches your eye. Think about the topics that most pique your curiosity and consider these when narrowing down your choices.

2. Select a Time Period

Before you start brainstorming specific topics, it’s important to select a time period. This will help you to focus on topics within the scope of your essay. The IB History syllabus includes comprehensive studies of events, people, and societies from prehistory to the present day. Consider which time period you would like to focus on and use this to guide your research.

3. Brainstorm Ideas

Now that you have identified a broad area of research and a specific time period, it’s time to brainstorm some potential topics. Start by making a list of ideas and then narrow it down by considering which ones you think would make for compelling research. Consider topics related to events, people, or societies within the chosen time period. You can also look for potential connections between topics for added interest.

4. Research Specific Topics

Once you have narrowed down your list of potential topics, start researching each one. Try to find out as much information as you can about each topic, including background information and any relevant primary sources. This will help you decide which topic you would like to develop further and ultimately write your essay on.

5. Review the IB Assessment Criteria

Finally, before you make your final decision, take some time to review the IB Assessment Criteria. Understand what the components of the assessment are and make sure that your chosen topic is suitable. This will help ensure that you are on the right track early on and can dedicate more time to researching and writing the essay itself.

Developing Your Topic

Finding the right topic for your IB history extended essay is an important step. After brainstorming relevant and engaging topics, you’ll need to narrow your choices down to one final topic. This process can take some time and effort, but it’s well worth the effort. Here are a few tips for selecting the perfect topic:

  • Think carefully about your passion and interests. Consider what topics you find the most interesting and engaging, and then research those topics more deeply. By selecting a topic that you have a real connection to, you are more likely to stay motivated and enjoy the writing process.
  • Conduct a thorough research. Explore each of your suggested topics in greater depth. Gather as much information as possible and narrow your focus to a single topic.
  • Identify an original angle. While it can be tempting to choose a broad or popular topic, try to choose something unique and specific that sets you apart from other students. Create a thesis statement that will ensure that your essay provides insight into the subject matter.

By using these guidelines and following the step-by-step process, you can select a topic for your IB history extended essay that you find interesting and engaging. When you have settled on a topic, you can begin conducting research and writing your essay.

Researching the Topic

Research is an essential part of writing your IB History Extended Essay. Gathering reliable sources that are relevant to your topic is the first step towards writing a successful essay.

There are a variety of sources you can use when researching your topic. Some good places to start include online databases, libraries, textbooks, and journals. It is important to use sources that are reliable and accurate, so be sure to double-check who the authors are and any associated credentials.

When researching, make sure to keep track of where you are gathering your information from. This will help you later when you are citing your sources in the essay. You should also take notes as you go along, as this will help you to remember which sources you used for each particular piece of information.

In addition to traditional sources, there are a number of other methods you can use to research your topic. Interviews, surveys, and field observations are just a few ways you can gather additional information. As always, make sure to record your sources and check for reliability.

As you do your research, be sure to pay attention to any opposing views or counterarguments. Understanding different perspectives can help you develop a more balanced and nuanced argument in your essay.

Finally, you should aim to draw connections between all your sources. Identifying patterns and themes can help you find evidence to support your thesis and provide an overall structure for your essay.

🚀 Conquer Your IB Extended Essay with Our Expert Writing Service! 🚀 Feeling stressed about your Extended Essay? Look no further! Our professional IB Extended Essay Writing Service is here to guide you towards success! 🎓 ✅ Deep Understanding of IB Criteria: Our team of seasoned writers is well-versed in the IB curriculum and assessment criteria. They know precisely what examiners look for, ensuring your EE is tailored to meet the highest standards. 🔒 Absolute Confidentiality: Your privacy is our top priority. We maintain strict confidentiality and never share your personal information with third parties. You can trust us to handle your EE with the utmost care and discretion. ⏰ On-time Delivery: We understand the importance of deadlines. Our dedicated writers work tirelessly to ensure your IB Extended Essay is completed on time, without compromising on quality.

Writing the Essay

Writing your extended essay on IB History is an exciting challenge, but it can be daunting. However, with some careful preparation and organization, you can craft a powerful, persuasive argument that will get you the grade you’re looking for.

Formulating an Argument

When writing an extended essay, it’s important to make sure that you’re arguing for a clear point of view. Start by doing research into your topic area and brainstorming ideas about what you want to say. Once you have done this, you can begin to form a thesis statement and outline the structure of your essay. Remember to keep it focused, so that you can make your point in a concise and compelling way.

Organizing Your Thoughts

Organizing your thoughts in advance is key when writing an extended essay. When you have multiple sources to consult and various points to consider, it can be easy to get sidetracked. To keep yourself on track, start by creating a timeline and a plan. Break the task down into manageable steps and set deadlines for each one. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you don’t miss anything important.

Creating a Powerful Introduction, Body Sections and Conclusion

Now you’re ready to start writing. The introduction should set the stage for the rest of your essay, giving background and context and introducing the main points you will be discussing. The body sections should each make a compelling case for your argument, supported by facts and examples from your research. Finally, the conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay in a concise and effective manner.

Overall, if you take the time to plan and organize your essay before you begin writing, you’ll be setting yourself up for success. By taking this approach, you will be able to create a coherent and persuasive essay that will impress your reader.

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Editing and Revising Your Essay

Writing an extended essay for IB History can be a challenge, especially when it comes to the editing and revising process. Fortunately, with some careful planning and organization, you can make this step of the process much easier.

The first step in the editing and revising process is proofreading. This involves making sure that your essay is free from any errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It’s important to take your time when doing this, as even the smallest mistake can detract from your overall grade. Once you’ve finished proofreading, the next step is to check for coherence. This involves ensuring that the ideas in your essay are logically connected and flow together. If your essay jumps around too much, it can be difficult for readers to follow your ideas.

Another useful tip is to consult with experts or mentors who may have experience writing essays in the same field. They can often provide valuable feedback and advice that can help you improve your essay. Additionally, it’s helpful to read your essay aloud, or have someone else read it out loud, as this can help you identify any awkward phrasing or unclear sentences.

Overall, editing and revising your extended essay for IB History can be daunting, but with some careful planning and organization, it doesn’t have to be! So take your time, proofread thoroughly, and don’t forget to consult with experts or mentors if you need feedback.

Writing an IB History Extended Essay doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right amount of preparation and research, you can craft an essay that will be well-received by your teachers and peers.

This guide has offered a comprehensive overview on how to go about writing a successful extended essay, from brainstorming topics to researching, writing and editing. Additionally, resources such as examples of excellent essays, common mistakes to avoid, and FAQs were provided to give readers a further understanding of the expectations of a successful Extended Essay.

Take the time to read through this guide and make sure you are inline with all the guidelines, as they are there to help you produce a high quality essay. Good luck!

  • Last Edit 11 May 2023

Picture of Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky is a devoted educator, marketing specialist, and management expert with more than 15 years of experience in the education sector. After obtaining his business degree in 2016, Nick embarked on a quest to achieve his PhD, driven by his commitment to enhancing education for students worldwide. His vast experience, starting in 2008, has established him as a reputable authority in the field.

Nick's article, featured in Routledge's " Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization ," highlights his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to advancing the educational landscape. Inspired by his personal motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to streamline students' lives and foster efficient learning. His inventive ideas and leadership have contributed to the transformation of numerous educational experiences, distinguishing him as a true innovator in his field.

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Now that we live in a digital world, using technology to its fullest can greatly improve your IB study and research. Staying prepared, controlling time, and conducting research have never been simpler thanks to the abundance of apps and platforms available. The important thing is to know which tools will help you reach your school goals.

extended essay topic ideas history

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  1. Extended essay history guide in 2021

    extended essay topic ideas history

  2. Higher history extended essay sample in 2021

    extended essay topic ideas history

  3. Extended Essay Topics History

    extended essay topic ideas history

  4. History Extended Essay: Definition, Outline, Assessment Criteria

    extended essay topic ideas history

  5. How I planned and wrote my History Extension essays: a student's story

    extended essay topic ideas history

  6. History Extended Essay: Definition, Outline, Assessment Criteria

    extended essay topic ideas history


  1. IB History Extended Essay Topics: 20+ Ideas to Get You Started

    Sep 3, 2022 · Sample History Extended Essay Topics . As promised, here is a list of topic ideas for the IB extended essay in history. These are meant to be just ideas, a sort of springing board from which you can launch your own investigations into a topic that interests you.

  2. History Extended Essay Topic Ideas & RQs | Writing Metier

    Dec 7, 2023 · 100+ IB extended essay topic ideas for your ease. One of the very important requirements of an IB diploma is the extended essay. This really helps bring up the total score. And one problem students face here is gathering ideas for their IB extended essay. Here is some guiding information that can help with extended essay topics.

  3. History EE Topic Ideas + Examples | Clastify

    Mar 4, 2024 · Is your History EE stressing you out? Don't worry, the key is to choose an interesting topic and there is a great variety of historical events that you can investigate. We prepared a list with our propositions and examples of History extended essays that you can refer to in the writing process. History EE ideas

  4. IB History EE examples - Clastify

    High scoring IB History Extended Essay examples. See what past students did and make your History EE perfect by learning from examiner commented examples!

  5. 100 IB Extended Essay Topic Ideas! - Lanterna

    10 Steps to Writing an Extended Essay. Before we look at specific topics for your essay, let’s recap the 10-steps you’ll need to follow to complete your extended essay. 1. Define the Topic and Draft the Research Question. 2. Create a Timeline. 3. Identify and gather Sources. 4. Set Deadlines. 5. Plan the structure according to the total ...

  6. IB History Extended Essay Topics - IB Writing Service

    Nov 18, 2024 · However, the most notable part of this development frequently happens throughout the Extended Essay writing process. The practical application of historical theory helps students to take on the role of historians. This post provides advice and recommendations on selecting a topic and writing your IB History Extended Essay.

  7. IB History Extended Essay Topics | Topic Suggestions

    Jan 5, 2024 · History IB Extended Essay Ideas. I want to allow students to construct a narrative that is both analytically robust and deeply reflective, demonstrating their ability to connect historical facts with the overarching patterns that define human societies. Below is the list of great historical IB EE topic ideas. 1. Military History

  8. IB History Extended Essay Topics

    Jan 20, 2023 · IB History Extended Essay Topics | 20 Ideas . It’s worth noting that these topics are just suggestions and that the best topic for an Extended Essay in history is one that you are passionate and knowledgeable about and one that allows you to demonstrate your critical thinking skills and research abilities. The topic should also be specific ...

  9. IB Extended Essay Topics: History - Only original TOK essays ...

    Mar 22, 2024 · Tips for Choosing History Extended Essay Topics. Drawing from years of experience guiding students through this process, I’ve observed that the difference between a good and an outstanding extended essay often lies in the initial choice of topic. Here are some insider tips to help you. 1. Align with Your Interests

  10. IB History Extended Essay Topics -

    When it comes to choosing an IB History Extended Essay topic, the sky is the limit. IB History offers a wide range of topics that span from ancient history to the contemporary world and beyond. To choose the best topic for your essay, it’s important to brainstorm several ideas and then narrow them down until you find your final topic.