1. A Challenging Case of Tumor-Induced Osteomalacia

    tumour induced osteomalacia a literature review and a case report

  2. Tumour-induced osteomalacia: a literature review and a case report

    tumour induced osteomalacia a literature review and a case report

  3. Oncogenic osteomalacia: induced by tumor, cured by surgery

    tumour induced osteomalacia a literature review and a case report

  4. (PDF) Tumour-induced osteomalacia: A literature review and a case report

    tumour induced osteomalacia a literature review and a case report

  5. (PDF) Tumour induced osteomalacia like syndrome with Rickets and Infantile hepatic

    tumour induced osteomalacia a literature review and a case report

  6. Tumour-induced osteomalacia: a literature review and a case report.

    tumour induced osteomalacia a literature review and a case report