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Basic Operators in Shell Scripting

There are 5 basic operators in bash/shell scripting:

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Boolean Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • File Test Operators

1. Arithmetic Operators : These operators are used to perform normal arithmetics/mathematical operations. There are 7 arithmetic operators:

  • Addition (+) : Binary operation used to add two operands.
  • Subtraction (-) : Binary operation used to subtract two operands.
  • Multiplication (*) : Binary operation used to multiply two operands.
  • Division (/) : Binary operation used to divide two operands.
  • Modulus (%) : Binary operation used to find remainder of two operands.
  • Increment Operator (++) : Unary operator used to increase the value of operand by one.
  • Decrement Operator (- -) : Unary operator used to decrease the value of a operand by one

assignment operator in shell script

2. Relational Operators : Relational operators are those operators which define the relation between two operands. They give either true or false depending upon the relation. They are of 6 types:

  • ‘==’ Operator : Double equal to operator compares the two operands. Its returns true is they are equal otherwise returns false.
  • ‘!=’ Operator : Not Equal to operator return true if the two operands are not equal otherwise it returns false.
  • ‘<‘ Operator : Less than operator returns true if first operand is less than second operand otherwise returns false.
  • ‘<=’ Operator : Less than or equal to operator returns true if first operand is less than or equal to second operand otherwise returns false
  • ‘>’ Operator : Greater than operator return true if the first operand is greater than the second operand otherwise return false.
  • ‘>=’ Operator : Greater than or equal to operator returns true if first operand is greater than or equal to second operand otherwise returns false

assignment operator in shell script

3. Logical Operators : They are also known as boolean operators. These are used to perform logical operations. They are of 3 types: 

  • Logical AND (&&) : This is a binary operator, which returns true if both the operands are true otherwise returns false.
  • Logical OR (||) : This is a binary operator, which returns true if either of the operands is true or if both the operands are true. It returns false only if both operands are false.
  • Not Equal to (!) : This is a unary operator which returns true if the operand is false and returns false if the operand is true.

assignment operator in shell script

4. Bitwise Operators : A bitwise operator is an operator used to perform bitwise operations on bit patterns. They are of 6 types:

  • Bitwise And (&) : Bitwise & operator performs binary AND operation bit by bit on the operands.
  • Bitwise OR (|) : Bitwise | operator performs binary OR operation bit by bit on the operands.
  • Bitwise XOR (^) : Bitwise ^ operator performs binary XOR operation bit by bit on the operands.
  • Bitwise complement (~) : Bitwise ~ operator performs binary NOT operation bit by bit on the operand.
  • Left Shift (<<) : This operator shifts the bits of the left operand to left by number of times specified by right operand.
  • Right Shift (>>) : This operator shifts the bits of the left operand to right by number of times specified by right operand.

assignment operator in shell script

5. File Test Operator : These operators are used to test a particular property of a file.

  • -b operator : This operator check whether a file is a block special file or not. It returns true if the file is a block special file otherwise false.
  • -c operator : This operator checks whether a file is a character special file or not. It returns true if it is a character special file otherwise false.
  • -d operator : This operator checks if the given directory exists or not. If it exists then operators returns true otherwise false.
  • -e operator : This operator checks whether the given file exists or not. If it exits this operator returns true otherwise false.
  • -r operator : This operator checks whether the given file has read access or not. If it has read access then it returns true otherwise false.
  • -w operator : This operator check whether the given file has write access or not. If it has write then it returns true otherwise false.
  • -x operator : This operator check whether the given file has execute access or not. If it has execute access then it returns true otherwise false.
  • -s operator : This operator checks the size of the given file. If the size of given file is greater than 0 then it returns true otherwise it is false.

assignment operator in shell script

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