1. speech for asl on topic"hobbies and interests" for 2-3 mins

    asl speech on hobbies and interest for 2 minutes

  2. 2 min speech on hobbies and interests

    asl speech on hobbies and interest for 2 minutes

  3. Speech on My Hobby

    asl speech on hobbies and interest for 2 minutes

  4. what are your hobbies in ASL

    asl speech on hobbies and interest for 2 minutes

  5. ASL: How to Sign about Your Hobbies

    asl speech on hobbies and interest for 2 minutes

  6. hobby in ASL

    asl speech on hobbies and interest for 2 minutes


  1. Signing in Seconds: Learn how to say SPEECH THERAPY in ASL! LESS THAN 50 SECONDS!

  2. Hobbies

  3. How to Talk About Your Free Time and Hobbies in English

  4. ASL 3370 Ex 2.3 Turning Point

  5. 2 minute speech on the importance of sports in English

  6. American Sign Language (ASL) Lesson: Interest